So, i've ruled out it's not a documentary, it's not an anti-war movie (maybe a bit), and it's obviously not action. I forget what actor played him, but man was he UGLY! And his stupid, monotonous voice really pissed me off. Plus, i couldn't stand the main character. Anthony Swofford, Jarhead In the summer of 1990, Anthony Swofford, a 20-year-old third-generation enlistee, got sent to the deserts of Saudi Arabia to fight in the first Gulf War. Why would you make a non-peace promoting war movie that has no violence in it? That is just a recipe for phailure. I don't know if this movie had some hidden semi-metaphorical message that i have yet to decipher, if it's just a movie for old war veterans, or if it's just bad. Plus, you could tell most of the scenes were drawn. It was just him and his buddies walking around the middle east like headless chickens. At one moment this guy is cleaning his gun with a comrade, then the next thing you know he's about to shoot him. The acting was mediocre, but there are many parts that go too fast to understand. The non-sensationalized sexual content pushes the envelope further.

MOVIEGUIDE® discourages the use of foul language in movies, even though some soldiers use just such language. Its insights into war are challenging, and, more importantly, they seem realistic. It seemed almost to be a documentary.and i hate documentaries.I had originally expected the movie to be some US army propaganda, but it was not.which was the bad thing because government-payed movies are always better. Obviously, JARHEAD is neither intended nor appropriate for younger audiences. For 2 and 1/2 hours, i watched soldiers patrolling around, cleaning bathrooms, and some other suggestive activities. The director was obviously trying to make it some epic saga movie that showed a true "warrior's" life. During the entire movie, there might have been like 10 shots fired in all the action scenes. The first thing i must say about this movie was that it was IMMENSELY boring. It seemed pretty interesting at first, because i like guns and violence, but then its true colors started to show. 'Jarhead' is a cold, hard, humorless movie, and its design is to dramatize the many and subtle ways that its ensemble of characters are forever scarred - less by the trauma of battle than the. It was about US marines in Kuwait during Desert Storm. It's been a few days since I've seen a really awful movie, but i found one! Well, it was a nice quiet evening and i felt like watching some intense war-action movie, so i got JarHead.